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1880 Doña Jimena El Lobo Clair de Lune Imperial Toledana Memorable Museo del Turrón



This Official Museum of the Valencian Community, was founded in the 1960s by the former owner, Juan Antonio Sirvent Selfa, and it is a result of the recovery process of all the industrial heritage in the almost 250 years that the company has been functioning. This is how the Museum of Nougat was created. The museum recreates the productive process, tools used and the evolution of nougat, culturally enriching our society.

Our Museum pays tribute to the history of an industry, a town and its people.

For more information and reservations please visit:
http://museodelturron.com/web/en/ - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

*During the high season (July-December) you can visit the manufacturing of this product upon reservation (more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

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ALMENDRA Y MIEL, S.A. ha realizado el proyecto “IMPLANTACIÓN DE NUEVAS SOLUCIONES TÉCNICAS PARA LA GESTIÓN DIGITAL COMPLETA DEL SISTEMA PRODUCTIVO EN ALMENDRA Y MIEL” para el que ha conseguido el apoyo financiero de IVACE a través del Programa PROYECTOS DE DIGITALIZACIÓN DE PYME (DIGITALIZA-CV), con una subvención de 30.000,00 €.

Esta subvención cuenta con el apoyo financiero de IVACE y del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) en un 50% a través del Programa Operativo FEDER de la Comunitat Valenciana 2014 -2020.

ALMENDRA Y MIEL, S.A. cuenta con un Plan de Igualdad cofinanciado con el Ministerio de Igualdad. Se ha trabajado en las medidas prioritarias que son la Guía del Lenguaje Inclusivo y el Protocolo de Prevención frente al Acoso.

© Confectionary Holding 2015
Polígono Industrial Ciudad del Turrón, Museo S/N, 03100 Jijona (Alicante) – Spain
Tel.: (+34) 96 561 02 25 - Fax: (+34) 96 561 21 03
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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