In its commitment to society and the environment, the group Confectionary Holding is committed to various initiatives that contribute to increase social awareness. This time, for the second consecutive year with the brands 1880, Doña Jimena, El Lobo and Imperial Toledana, Confectionary Holding supports the awareness campaign #EmpleoParaTodas that, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, is launching this Foundation.
#EmpleoParaTodas promotes the employment project for women at risk of exclusion from the Adecco Foundation helping thousands of victims of domestic violence, people with disabilities, with unshared family responsibilities and also to over 50 long-term unemployed women. In 2015, more than 4,000 women in Spain found a way out of the complex socio-economic exclusion through this program
To Confectionary Holding, employment is the solution against social exclusion faced by many underprivileged women in our country. This is why has joined as a partner to this awareness campaign committed to work integration, gender diversity support and equality between men and women.